Steelers’ Fans, Wide Receivers and Your First Crush


Remember your first crush? That feeling of utter fascination and joy when she walked by? Your heart raced and your palms started sweating. You hoped you didn’t smell like your gym locker and prayed that she noticed you… Even the slightest glance in your direction – whether she was actually looking at you or not – literally made your day. Oh what a feeling. Yet here we are. Pittsburgh Steelers’ fans crushing on every damn wide receiver whose name pops up in a social media rumor.

From Brandon Aiyuk to Cooper Kupp, there’s been no shortage of guys that Steeler Nation hasn’t fawned over. Mike Williams is still a thing while Davante Adams isn’t. Adams was literally the girl who asked to borrow your eraser while writing a steamy love note to her actual boyfriend. In this case, Aaron Rodgers.

Aiyuk was the girl who tortured you. She led you on for months making you think she was going to cave and be your arm candy all year long. She’d be there at homecoming and then Prom and maybe even through graduation. But no. Aiyuk had us all believing the trade was coming and just like that crush, he left us hanging, wanting more and ultimately not even giving us the time of day. Just as she did with her friends, Aiyuk probably laughed and giggled at us. “Those pathetic Steelers’ fans! Man they really thought I wanted to go there! Hahahahahaha.”

Most recently however it’s been Cooper Kupp, the terrific yet often injured receiver from Los Angeles. At 32 years old, Kupp is the senior girl that’s looked like she’s been ready for college since she was in eighth grade. You on the other hand, the lowly sophomore with more pimples than a basketball, believe you have a shot with her despite her vast experience and sometimes injured reputation. As Steelers’ fans though you’re willing to put up with a few negatives for the chance to have a real-life number two receiver.

“OK, so she’s a bit older and has experienced some real ups and downs but dammit. I need her,” you tell yourself. But what are you willing to give? The LA Rams apparently want a second round pick and that’s just dumb. The Steelers aren’t giving up that high of a pick for Kupp when they know damn well their history of drafting receivers. Rumors circulating this morning are suggesting that the Rams also want the other team to pick up a decent portion of the salary.

In other words, your crush wants to be wined and dined yet the best you’re getting out of the evening is a peck on the cheek and a lonely evening watching Nick at Nite. It seems Omar Khan is approaching ‘available’ wide receivers the same way. There’s a crush, then the whole idea just fades away.


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