Good Monday to you Steelers’ fans.
The NFL once again asked the New England Patriots to hold out their hand for a wrist slap with a bird feather. In an unusual, yet clearly targeted Sunday evening news dump, the NFL announced the Patriots were being disciplined for recording a Cleveland-Cincinnati game (Specifically Bengals’ coaches) last year illegally. They claimed they were part of a TV crew doing advanced worked for the team’s YouTube channel. They have been fined $1.1 million and have lost a third round draft pick in 2021. While this is not the most egregious violation of NFL rules, it’s still illegal and it’s been a rule violated by a team that has had a pattern of such violations going back over a decade. We really shouldn’t be surprised at the light punishment here should we? The problem is that Roger Goodell and the NFL hierarchy continue to enable Bill Belichick. What kind of message is being sent here? The Patriots blatantly cheat, get caught and then get very little in the way punishment. If we didn’t already question many of the team’s successes then shouldn’t we? This is clearly an established pattern of behavior and the consequences for it will do little to discourage Belichick from doing it again. Maybe the rest of the league just needs to start cheating and bending the rules. If all that it costs you is pocket change and a draft pick then why the hell not?
Oh, and they signed Cam Newton
So the NFL uses a lazy Sunday evening to drop the news about the fine AND releases the news that the Pats have signed free agent QB Cam Newton. If you don’t think the release of these two items at the same time was calculated then I really don’t know what to tell you. This is what the league does. I’ll have more comments on Newton in New England later this week.
Tweet of the Day… This was too good and too topical to pass up.
Steelers History
Gordon continued his look at Steelers History with part one of a really cool series. This one looks back to the old “Pirates” days when Art Rooney was desperate for a ‘star’ player.
Oh Cleveland….
I don’t usually make it a habit of trying to write articles about blankets but I couldn’t help it. Browns’ fans (one in particular anyway) feel that celebrating assaults is better than actually celebrating a rare win over their rival. All that in mind, I finally had had enough and wrote this article.
‘Illegal’ Workouts
The NFLPA is upset with many of its’ own players including Tom Brady. Many QBs have gathered their receivers to get together and workout. The NFLPA is upset because it violates the social distancing rules they’ve supported. The nightmare scenario for the league and the players is that these workouts are going to happen and then when guys show up to Camp, will they be potential carriers of Covid-19. With numbers of positive cases rising significantly across the country this isn’t a good look but I understand the players desire to prepare too.
Our Stuff
If you’d like to get some of our stuff you can visit DC4L for tees and hoodies and RedBubble for decals, stickers and even masks!!
Have a great day Steeler Nation!
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