SCB Steelers Quick Hitters for 2/17/16


Welcome to Wednesday Steeler Nation!

Yesterday Steelers’ General Manager Kevin Colbert spoke to an exclusive group of press about the past season and the vision going forward. If you want the Reader’s Digest version of his 20-minute conference then just read Ben’s tweet. This about sums it up.

Actually, what he did say was nothing new. The team will not pursue high value free agents…. They view last year’s second round pick Senquez Golson as an extra pick this year since he didn’t play a snap in 2015…. With fewer picks, as of now, Colbert seemed satisfied with that…. As for the cap situation he felt “pretty good” and said it was actually a little better than prior years… He also said keeping William Gay, Antwon Blake and Will Allen were good possibilities.

Remember, this is mostly lip service. I can’t see in any world where having the exact same secondary in place happens. You’ll notice Team President Art Rooney II said he needs to see improvement in the secondary while Colbert was content with it. As a good friend mentioned to me this morning, these guys would be good at politics!

Social media was bursting yesterday as James Harrison’s agent made it official; the linebacker will return for his 14th season in 2016. My first thought is that Harrison’s 14 years aren’t as long as they sound. Remember, he played a lot of special teams and was on practice squads early in his career. That said, if at 38 years of age, he’s playing significant minutes then Jarvis Jones will have officially reached ‘bust’ status.

DeAngelo Williams hasn’t just been a great find on the field, but he’s been a great one off of it as well. Make sure you check out his Twitter feed recently. He has had some epic rants and enjoys interacting with fans.

Have a great day Steeler Nation!




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